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  1. Dwane Oliver

    On the topic of bending/force/geometry

    I ALWAYS love reading info from The Scientist Its ALWAYS good BUT This is the best part of the whole speel I don't make prybars Dwane
  2. Dwane Oliver

    A small look at the USN Gathering

    Very cool , thanks for posting. I hope someday to go and see it in person.
  3. Dwane Oliver

    A Few of My Recent Knives

    Ive been gone from all knife forums for a while , just had life Here are a few of my recent knives Hand forged 1084 Differential hardned Copper handle Here is one made from Alabama Damascus Stab Bog Oak handle Water Buffalo bolster with mosaic pin Here is one made from some HHH San...
  4. Dwane Oliver

    Drill press

    I've had 2 of them running for 12 years. Dwane
  5. Dwane Oliver


    Welcome aboard Darren. Dwane
  6. Dwane Oliver

    We lost a fellow KnifeDog yesterday.

    Sorry to hear that, Prayers sent out to his family. Dwane
  7. Dwane Oliver

    New Member and Purveyor…

    Welcome aboard Bill. I look forward to seeing your stuff. Dwane
  8. Dwane Oliver

    Ferro Rod Question

    It just needs a sharpish edge to scrape it. Dwane
  9. Dwane Oliver

    Thats not knife related

    I think birds are cool too. They seem to always have a personality all their own. LOVE the waterfall , we are wanting to do something similar. They are Sooo relaxing , just sitting and listening to the water. Thanks for posting Dwane
  10. Dwane Oliver

    Model: Doctors Bowie

    WOW..............very nice Sir. Dwane
  11. Dwane Oliver

    brut-de-forge-Challenge KITH

    I think the one piece rule is maybe throwing people off of it. Hell IDK now that I reread it , you can wrap it if you want. IDK George , but I'm still in. Dwane
  12. Dwane Oliver

    Ever seen a micarta & Antler crown on a knife?

    You are only limited by your imagination Sir. It will hold up just fine.
  13. Dwane Oliver

    Ever seen a micarta & Antler crown on a knife?

    Something like this ? I'm not totally understanding what you mean here. Dwane
  14. Dwane Oliver

    Any pen turners here?

    It looks fun to me , I am thinking about trying it.
  15. Dwane Oliver


    Congrats Calvin, I need to join up, but I need to be sure I can swing a trip back east first. Dwane
  16. Dwane Oliver

    A trio of hunters

    Very nice Travis , I really like the bottom one. How do you do the groove around the guard? Dwane
  17. Dwane Oliver

    Survey Time! Enter your favorite wood here

    Ironwood burl Amboya Burl Dwane
  18. Dwane Oliver

    What's best grit to finish G10

    I finish a lot of mine to only 320, then oil it with wd40 or other penetrant.
  19. Dwane Oliver

    WIP The most EPIC kitchen knives ever! WIP

    Sounds pretty EPIC Randy , cant wait to see what you come up with. Dwane