Search results

  1. K

    Is Majestic Forge still in business??

    There are a number of reasons he's out of touch, vacation or trip isn't one of them. death, serious accident, etc can happen, but even then since it's been a month I'd feel the need to file a charge back to card just to cover my bases. Most good vendors don't charge the card until they're...
  2. K

    New Forge

    All that cold weather is why I live South of I-10 - but we sure had our cold weather a few days ago with 8.5" of snow and a low of 10°F temps. I'm concerned my lemon tree might not survive. I'm glad you're keeping this thread going, I think several of us are following with interest. Ken H>
  3. K

    New Forge

    You are getting closer - Congrats. That ribbon burner is going to be great. I've always wanted to try one, but the standard old burner I've got works ok.
  4. K

    Damascus twister

    Those are some NICE tight twists - I sure wish I could get those type twists. I clamp one end in vise, grab other end with a double handled pipe wrench. I can get a few turns, but they tend to bow too soon. I'm impressed with those.
  5. K

    Rolling mill

    3.5" cylinder with 18 tons? You must be running around 3800 psi? That's a lot of pressure. Don't most places suggest staying below 3,000 psi?
  6. K

    Rolling mill

    Yep, that 56C face puts another whole aspect to the motor search. Looking for a 56C 3hp motor for a press so it would match up with the adapter to the pump increases the cost a bit. I sure do like what a roll mill does. Keep us updated to your build. A rolling mill is about the same cost as...
  7. K

    Rolling mill

    Jesse, here's a 1 hp, 1750 rpm motor for a bit less:
  8. K

    Rolling mill

    I just watched the video and about the 10:26 mark Tyrell mentions the cost as $1800 + $500 shipping. Still not bad for a nice rolling mill. Cheaper than a press. Ahhh, men and their toys.
  9. K

    Titanium Damascus

    I've watched a few of Alec's videos in the past. He does some interesting stuff, but gets a bit to animated for my taste. With such a really NICE shop it's amazed me at the end of the video when he said he needed to get a Rc tester. That's such a small investment compared to the rest of the...
  10. K

    2X72 water mister

    Here's the one I used: I also ordered this 1/4" tubing and fittings:
  11. K

    2X72 water mister

    Luke, you're just too far north for me when you have to worry about the misting water freezing up. It's in the 60's F here today, New Year's day. My kind of "Winter" weather. That's why I'm South of I-10 interstate hwy.
  12. K

    New Forge

    That's going to work nice - I don't expect the wood to be a problem - the rubber tires I've got on my cart haven't given any problem yet.
  13. K

    2X72 water mister

    With that foot switch you'll be surprised how long a gallon will last
  14. K

    2X72 water mister

    You gonna like it. I've got a gallon of water sitting on the grinder table that lasts pretty good with the footswitch.
  15. K

    2X72 water mister

    Perhaps it's a personal preference, but I do think I prefer the momentary pedal so I hold my foot on pedal while grinding, and release by removing foot. Helps with amount of air used (important with a small air compressor) and less water for less mess. Is this one on Amazon the pedal you...
  16. K

    2X72 water mister

    Ya'll gonna really like a mister - but the footswitch is really needed. It cuts down on amount of water and air used. Even a small air compressor can keep up using the foot switch, and much less water wetting the area down.
  17. K

    CarTech Micro-Melt CD#1 Alloy

    Thanks for those links - while the CD#1 is most likely a good steel, it's a tad more pricey than I'm comfortable with. I had never looked at that "WW" tab - Just what is that "Cross Grain"? Sure would be nice if there was a tad more info on what makes the "blemish" - BUT - from what I've seen...
  18. K

    meteorite knife

    There is a LOT of meteorite in that blade - sure does look good. Considering the cost of meteorite these days just the meteorite is expensive! Nice. Thank you again for posting the WIP photos.
  19. K

    meteorite knife

    Sorry I missed your post until tonight - I see you posted yesterday. Thank you so much for the photos and write up. YES!!! I think more than myself are interested in how you did it. Let me understand, in the #6 photo you're showing the canister with the bar of 5160 in the middle, and...
  20. K

    DIY Surface Grinder for AmeriBrade WIP

    Hey that's neat. I'd never noticed that box for a short url link. Works great, and easier than my way of removing part of the url. Thanks for that. Seeing these good parts makes me want to build another SGA, but the one I've got works so good not much excuse to build another.... except for...