Search results

  1. wmhammond


    Thanks, Mike, I think thats them.
  2. wmhammond


    Does anyone know where IMG - Electromark is located? I have used a company in southern California and I have lost my contact info. Don't want to pay for new art work and set-up if I don't have to. The stencils I get from them are green with a gold silk backing. Sure could use the help if anyone...
  3. wmhammond

    Wood finish

    In my opinion the easiest finish is CA Glue. Sand the handle to 600 grit. One coat at a time (I put it on with a little piece of paper towell), dries in 3 min, 800 grit paper between coats, 5 to 8 coats does it. Buff it for high gloss or buff it and 0000 steel wool for a matt finish. The more...
  4. wmhammond

    Oil quenching air hardening steels.

    I use AEB-L almost exclusively for kitchen knives. I use Texas Knifemaking Supply for my heat treat and they do a good job but cost and turn around time are issues. So if I'm getting all this right I can heat AEB-L with no foil in my forge to some as yet undisclosed critical temp and then quench...
  5. wmhammond

    Spencer Aplin/Jordon Berthelot blade design

    I have delt with both of those guys through their Facebook based business The Stag Depot and it has never been a good experience. I can honesty say and without malace toward either of them they are extremely hard to deal with, they are both arrogant and Spencer is just plain rude, mostly for no...
  6. wmhammond

    Looking for Identification of this wood

    The more I have thought about I'm pretty sure it is Ovankol.
  7. wmhammond

    Grinding jigs

    I've been making knives for 13 years now, Used to be a silver and gold smith making Native Amrican jewelry. I only do stockremoval, no forging and I have used a grinding jig the entire time. I'm pretty good with my hands and it didn't take me very long to figure that a jig would always produce...
  8. wmhammond

    Looking for Identification of this wood

    I was thinking about this some more and another name I would follow up on is Ovankol
  9. wmhammond

    Looking for Identification of this wood

    I'm a little late to this party but I have some Brazilion Cherry that exhibits those grain characteristics and the same chatoyance that I see here. just a thought. Wallace
  10. wmhammond

    Scrimshaw needed

    Hey guys, I am in need of a scrimshaw in vivid color of a Brook Trout with a curving tail about 1 1/4" X 5/8' on a knife handle. The surface is 95% flat and the material is snow white. I don't know what the material is but it is definately synthetic not animal ivory. If you are interested please...
  11. wmhammond

    Scrimshaw needed

    Hey guys, I am in need of a scrimshaw in vivid color of a Brook Trout with a curving tail about 1 1/4" X 5/8' on a knife handle. The surface is 95% flat and the material is snow white. I don't know what the material is but it is definately synthetic not animal ivory. If you are interested please...
  12. wmhammond

    "Iron Lucky"

    I just purchased two billets from "Iron Lucky" in France. One is Damascus San Mai of 1066/Nickel/K980 Center for about $150. The other is San Mai of AISI 420/Nickel/Bohlers S200 Center for about $160. Anybody out there familiar with these steels or this maker. Would love to hear about that but...
  13. wmhammond

    Italian Switchblade knife

    I'm looking to purchase the finest, highest quality switchblade knife I can find. Private maker is fine but sois an Italian manufacturer. I just want the best. Any help isappreciated. Thanks, Wallace
  14. wmhammond

    musk ox

    I am looking for the absolute best musk ox scales known to man. Must be 4.5" long X 1.75" wide 1/4 thick. I will pay top dollar for the right set. I'mm looking for the set you set back 10 years ago that you were going to make the perfect knife out of. I'll pay you for the scales than the knife...
  15. wmhammond

    Don't know much about electronics or knife etchers

    In order to etch a knife Is it necessary for an AC adaptor that converts to DC to put out exactly 12V or could it put out 9V and still work or 18V and still work? Anybody selling cheap etchers?
  16. wmhammond

    Impala Horn Filler

    What would you guys think about a mixture of sawdust and wood glue?
  17. wmhammond

    San Mai Bowie

    Did you make the San Mai or purchase the billet? I'm looking to purchase a billet. Thanks. Wallace
  18. wmhammond

    Impala Horn Filler

    Hello. I have an Impala Horn (antler) that I want to use as a knife handle. Problem is that it is hollow. In order to use it as a handle and have the kind of handle stability we all require I am going to have to fill it with some liquid that will pour into the hollow horn and then dry rock hard...
  19. wmhammond

    Waterproof Finish

    Thanks, Ken. At no point after I apply the first coat of Waterlox do I attempt to sand back all the way to bare wood. My whole point here is to get a built up finish with Waterlox and more particularly with the Super Glue so I can sand it down to 1500 grit an never break through the build up to...