Another Warfighter accompanies a Marine to Afghanistan


Well-Known Member
A fellow who is deploying with the Marine unit that I donated knives to earlier in the year wanted one for himself. I finished one of the Benghazi Warfighters out from the batch I'm getting ready for the Lone Star Knife Expo next month and got it headed his way. Now I have to build more knives for the show, since all of the ones with natural canvas Micarta are spoken for already. :)

To be clear, this one is not a donation knife but a paying gig.

Like the others, it's a 6 1/2" blade forged from 5160, with natural canvas Micarta and stainless steel flared tube rivets.


The sheath is coyote brown Kydex with a TekLok.

Trying to do up a fighter for a Marine buddy of mine and will probably make the sheath out of Kydex. Did you make the Kydex sheath for this? It seems fairly straight forward and I can probably do it with baisc tools. Anything I should know?
Coondog - It's fairly simple, and I know there are Youtube videos. Use foam glued to a hard backing and heat with to form the Kydex, and a toaster oven or a heat gun (what I use) to soften it. If you are using a TekLok or MOLLE lock, use it to lay out your holes two or three at a time with a Sharpie.
Thank you!

It's an honor to have folks whose lives depend upon their gear choose to carry gear made by you. Makes one proud and humble at the same time.