Arthritis anyone??

Because we take care of my wife's autistic brother and he has the gut problems that sometimes goes with it we went to a nutritionst and he advised a whole foods vegan diet, on top of that he said cut out almost all fat and eat very little sugar. We did it for him and decided To do it ourselves. My mom was here as well at that time and she, age 90 went on the diet too. My brother in law is better than he has been in years, The dr. had given up and just expected him to live with it. My mom had arthritis bad enough that her hands were twisted and a blood sugar level of 130 if she ate very carefully as the dr. told her. She started eating 75% starch and the rest veg. and her blood sugar dropped to 80 and her hands got straight and she started knitting again. I had gout for about 1/3 of a year and a dr who did not know what it was. From the damage done at that time I was having a time walking at times, trouble with my hands and just pain, some minor and some that I had to grit my teeth on. That has mostly gone away but I still have some hand pain, mostly when my brother in law- my boy is squeezing them very hard and pulling and twisting them. I have had shortness of breath for years and that is improved a lot but it is still a problem with hot humid weather. If anyone wants more info just give me a yell. BTW I don't miss meat or anything and enjoy my meals every day and I grew up on a beef cattle farm and hunted and fished all my life. Ed
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