How to Forge a Plutonium Edged Knife

I was puzzled (alarmed) when I first read the heading but it's obviously a tong-in-cheek parody of some of these super secret forging techniques out there.

Yea, just a funny type thing - when he hits with the hammer you've got the nuclear explosion.

Ken H.
I read a book a few years back about the test that did at Los Alamos/White sands testing for the very first nuke detonation during WWII. One of the scientists to mess with the other laymen workers at the test not only wore the goggles that they all received. At the final countdown he started covering himself with zinc oxide and telling then that their skin would melt without it and he just used the last of what he had!
I'm glad ya'll are enjoying the video - I kept wondering how/what he was going to do.... I just couldn't figure it out - until he pulled from forge and hit with hammer..... Good fun.