How to "redneck" temper the Mud Slough way.


Well-Known Member
Here you will learn the redneck way to temper you home made knife. I make (and occasionally sell ) knives. I work about 40 to 50 hours a week at my regular job as a mechanic at a tomato processing plant.
We make tomato paste.
I work in the garage/shop the rest of the time. Here I have the knife in clay.
After the clay has dried, I bury the knife in a small bag of coals. I torch up the barby and blast it with compressed air till coals burn out and the knife is showing. I should be laying brick on the patio like I promised my wife two years ago.
Here you see a finely crafted temper table I made just for my knifes. Also all the tools needed to do the job. Note the hose keeping the ground wet and in case something goes wrong. Not pictured is a laser pyrometer. Oh, that is 3” exhaust tubing I just capped the bottom welded a tab to screw it to the table and I massaged a pour spout to return the oil back to the original container. Note melted container to the left of the picture…….
Now what you are looking at is a piece of ¾” round stock. This is what I use to preheat my Canola oil to 120 degrees. If it gets to hot I run water from the hose on the tubing to bring it back to 120 degrees.
Here is the bowie after it comes out of the oil and placed on a Hi tech oil absorbing material. Some guy keeps throwing it in my driveway.
After the Blade is cleaned on the belt with 600 grit, in the Barby easy bake oven it goes for one hour at 400 degrees. When the knife come out its all gold and hard!
Sanding and polishing done now for a coat of True Oil, or 10!
The finished project with one of my skully sheaths. I started it on Saturday morning and finished on Sunday night.

Thanks for lookin!
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Thanks for the replies Fellas

Nice work, as a fellow redneck I can say whatever gets it done!

Rednecks just getter done!

Looks good - What type of steel do you use with that technique?

For the knife I am using 1095 from NJ Steel Baron. I think the BBQ is mild steel.....

Great WIP< I love the level of Tech you use. Very nice looking Bowie blade and then knife.

Thank you Laurence I am a hi tech guy on a low tech budget. LOL!