Ken Coats Swayback

JC in SC

Well-Known Member
Thanks to Bruce Bump's awesome WIPs, I've decided to try my hand at making slip joints. I have my first in process, though it has been a little slow going. I decided that in order to assess the level of fit and finish makers are putting out, I would need to buy a nice slip joint from a custom maker. My original intent was for my first custom slip joint to come from Bruce, since he spawned my interest in them. Unfortunately for me, his wait is 12+ months:sad: He put my name on his list, but the urge to buy something custom overtook me (I'm sorry Bruce:blushing:). I began noticing Ken Coats work over on Blade Forums. I emailed him about possibly making something for me. As it turned out, he had the following piece fresh off the bench. This is the photo that Ken sent me.


I'm still patiently waiting for Bruce to work his way down to my name, but it will be next June at the earliest. Anyway, just wanted to share my recent acquisition with my fellow dogs.
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That's a great looking example.

I like the swayback warncliff design. I'm gonna do one of those soon, probably damascus. It will be the next one.
Thanks guys.

That's a great looking example.

I like the swayback warncliff design. I'm gonna do one of those soon, probably damascus. It will be the next one.

Yeah, I'm thinking about something similar as one of my future slip joint projects. As a matter of fact, I just picked up some of Delbert Ealy's Damascus. It won't be the next one though as I've already got something else planned.