Knives Emporium Auction/storefront system, a service for the knife community

Knives Emporium Auction/Storefront See More

Knives Emporium is pleased to announce the introduction of our NEW Auction/Storefront creator! Built for knife enthusiasts such as you and me, our auction system is both easy and simple to use. A feature where members can list their knives on their own storefront. Essentially we also provide this as an alternative to consignment. I understand at times, consignment can be a hassle in an addition to taking a portion of your sales profit.
With the auction system, you benefit from the visitors and traffic of our website without having to pay for it.

Our Auction & Stores system is built for visitors and members to use as a commodity to make money by selling to the highest bidder and present their goods in their storefront which is automatically created for them by our system in real time.

Setting up a storefront is simple and quick--just follow the step by step guide below. Not to mention the auctions, which allow the seller to fit to his or her preferences

Check it out and read more in our step by step guide – Tips -- Faq -- Guide

We are offering this a service for the knife community – 3 months for FREE

The entire system is monitored in real time and moderated by real people in a secure environment for your piece of mind.

If you have any other questions, feel to PM me or post in this thread.

Thanks for looking,
The knives Emporium Team
As I forgot to note, we're open to all comments, suggestions, and feedback good or bad. Without feedback we'll have nothing to improve on.