Maryland Ivory Ban Bill Defeated


Well-Known Member
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee has voted to give an unfavorable report on HB 713, a draconian bill that would have banned the sale or purchase of any ivory, including mammoth ivory, in the state.

The unfavorable report came after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, including Knife Rights, helped make it clear to the committee members that it was terribly problematic for honest, law-abiding Marylanders, stealing millions in value from them, and that it would not save a single living elephant in Africa.

We would especially like to thank David, an 8-year-old student and avid fossil collector, for testifying in opposition to HB 713, showing off parts of his impressive collection of shark's teeth and mammoth ivory fossils that would be rendered valueless by this ill-considered bill, which would have also prevent him from continuing to collect many of the fossils he prizes most.

When we are allowed the opportunity to explain the facts involved and the reality of the illicit trade in elephant ivory, in which Americans have virtually no involvement whatsoever, we have a good chance of changing the minds of those who have been mislead by emotionally charged, politically and financially motivated efforts to ban legal elephant ivory that's been in the country for decades and mammoth ivory that's 10,000 years old.

The bright light of the truth and facts can carry the day given half a chance. Like all Americans, we find the poaching of African elephants appalling and reprehensible. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, Ivory Ban bills only attack innocent Americans without any likelihood of having an impact on the poaching problem.

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Great news Doug - and THANK YOU for the great work you are doing in this. Keep it up!

Ken H>
Thanks for your advocates' Doug. I am so sick of all of these pink lemonade drinkers it's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!