New York Bill to "Fix" Gravity Knife Law Passes Assembly


Well-Known Member
The bill to "fix" New York state's gravity knife statute in a effort to protect New York City knife owners, A4821, has passed the Assembly and has now been assigned to the Senate Standing Committee on Codes. A4821 would require that prosecutors prove "unlawful intent" in order for someone to be prosecuted for possessing a "gravity knife."

New York Assemblyman Dan Quart's bill would significantly narrow the opportunity for New York City to abuse citizens carrying common locking-blade pocket knives. This is certainly not a complete solution, but it would be a big step in the right direction.

Last year Mr. Quart's bill also passed the Assembly, but failed to be voted upon in the Senate. With significant changes in the Senate after the election last year, combined with additional pressure as a result of the Village Voice article that exposed the extraordinarily wide impact of New York City's abuse of the existing law (60,000 prosecutions!), along with widespread coverage of Knife Rights' continuing Federal Civil Rights lawsuit, there is a bit more optimism for passage this year, although the odds are still stacked against it due to partisan politics in Albany.

Knife Rights is now focused on overcoming the obstacles to passage in the Senate. Stay tuned and we will let you know when your calls and emails are needed.

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