Wrapped and welded eye question.


Active Member
Hi, i was hoping to forge my first proper axe this weekend and am just wondering how to stop the inside area where i will weld the bit into from oxidizing. i am planning on a wrought body to the axe with the bit from an old farriers rasp, i have borax for flux but am just a bit concerned if this will be enough to form a good weld, should i wrap the eye and then try and grind the inside with an angle grinder before the bit is welded in?
Probably worrying about nothing but i have never welded something this big before :p

Thanks ;)
I would do it in two steps, saving the easiest to clean for last .....Shiny is Godly when welding...Ya gotta get that wrought HOT, but it welds easy...
Heres the result, new shaft to be added (was using an old sledge shaft to check the edge a bit) chops really good.
hope u like.
