2019 KD Members Choice Awards - TOP DOG

Top Dog

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Who is our "TOP DOG"?

Who is the one person you feel has done the most to make this site the success that it is, who makes your stay here more comfortable, who selflessly has helps others whether they are members or not, who spends their precious time in community service.?????

Your nomination here requires a couple paragraphs explaining why you think that they are our own "TOP DOG"

2. No photos required
Years ago, Brad Lilly wrote this about any nominee for this award. "Who is the one person you feel has done the most to make this site the success that it is, who makes your stay here more comfortable, who selflessly helps others whether they are members or not, who spends their precious time in community service.?????"

I note that CustomerServiceBeth used that description again this year.

When I digest that description I boil it down to which member on here is "kind" and 'helpful" and "positive" to other Knife Dogs members/visitors.

A couple years ago I nominated John Wilson and he was fortunate and won this award. He is an excellent example of a "Top Dog".

This year I would like to nominate a couple of other members whom I hold to this high standard.

One of those members is opaul. The other is Randy Lucius. I believe that both of these members deserve to be nominated for this award. They are the type of people that make Knife Dogs the special place that it is on the internet.
I would like to nominate @J. Doyle. He’s always willing to help and I appreciate his no nonsense tells it how it is Approach. Always motivates me to try and Achieve A higher standard.

Not a couple paragraphs like you wanted but I’m really not much of a writer. Haha.
I can add a little to what Daniel said to make it a slightly larger paragraph. Even though all may not get him, John is very helpful but more than that he inspires. His work is flawless and he encourages others to up their game constantly. In my shop when I am faced with a flaw in my blade I am tempted to accept I always find myself mumbling the Mantra “WWJDS”... Which means ”What Would John Doyle Say”. I kid you not...
I want to sincerely thank everyone who nominated me and voted for me in this 'Top Dog' category.

However, I have defered the award to runner up @Randy Lucius . As I look back over my interaction on this forum this past year and at the contributions of others, I feel that Randy's presence and interactions much more embodied the spirit of this award than my own.

Congratulations Randy!.......this was not charity, YOU DESERVED this.
John, I applaud your action. It embodies traits that I, and many others, believe in whole heartedly. Thank you sincerely.
and I agree on your selection of Randy. He is just the right representative of this award. Congrats, Randy. I'm proud to call you friend.
I want to sincerely thank everyone who nominated me and voted for me in this 'Top Dog' category.

However, I have defered the award to runner up @Randy Lucius . As I look back over my interaction on this forum this past year and at the contributions of others, I feel that Randy's presence and interactions much more embodied the spirit of this award than my own.

Congratulations Randy!.......this was not charity, YOU DESERVED this.
Class act Mr. Doyle! Very well deserved Mr. Lucius!
I want to sincerely thank everyone who nominated me and voted for me in this 'Top Dog' category.

However, I have defered the award to runner up @Randy Lucius . As I look back over my interaction on this forum this past year and at the contributions of others, I feel that Randy's presence and interactions much more embodied the spirit of this award than my own.

Congratulations Randy!.......this was not charity, YOU DESERVED this.
Thank you John for the kind gesture. It is truly appreciated. That's one of the very many reasons that makes this a great forum. The unselfish nature of the people here and the willingness to help. I've always been helped here with questions and advice. A lot of great guys here and some truly amazing craftsmen. Thanks again John, you're as classy as your knives! :)
I would like to nominate @J. Doyle. He’s always willing to help and I appreciate his no nonsense tells it how it is Approach. Always motivates me to try and Achieve A higher standard.

Not a couple paragraphs like you wanted but I’m really not much of a writer. Haha.
I couldn't agree with this more if I had written it my self which I was getting ready to do.
