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  1. T

    Quillon Ring Dagger of Darkness

    Hmmm. They show up for me. I fiddled with it some, so hopefully they show up for everyone now. Thanks for letting me know.
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    Quillon Ring Dagger of Darkness

    I finally got this done after quite a few pauses. Damascus is a twisted Ws variant. I made the billet back in 2014 or 2015 in the shop of Jim Clow during the year I was in Canada. It sat waiting to be tiled out and rewelded until recently, when I took it over to the shop of another friend...
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    Powerhammer or press

    Spend your first big money on a 2x72 with variable speed. Don't bother with single speed. Don't bother with step pulleys. To answer your other question though, both a power hammer and a press have their place in the shop. If you have room, space, and funds for both, get both. If you can only...
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    Mini Dagger Mini WIP -Final pro photos

    Just got the photos back from Caleb Royer. I'm very pleased with how it all turned out. The last step is to inform my email list and the world that it's up for sale.
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    Mini Dagger Mini WIP -Final pro photos

    Sorry for the delay. I got most of the sheath done when I said I would, then never got around to taking many pictures. Here's one before the frog and the tip of the chape. Soldering all these stupid pieces sucked. So I think I'll do it again :): Next, the glue up. G-Flex is the stuff...
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    Mini Dagger Mini WIP -Final pro photos

    Turns out my little scrap of stainless sheet was big enough. I mocked up all of the sheath parts with paper, glued them to the metal, and bandsawed them. Forming and bending is next. The chape bits are kinda tough since they're so small, but the first one went ok. And the throat parts are a lot...
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    Mini Dagger Mini WIP -Final pro photos

    So I didn't start off taking pictures with the intent of doing a WIP thread, but I thought I had enough at various stages of the process to make for an interesting follow-along. This is going to be a little bitty dagger. OAL is about 10.5 inches. The blade was rough ground and heat treated...
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    Memories of Tanzania Dagger

    Just got my pics back from Whetstone Studios this morning of this dagger I made for some special friends. We used to live near each other in Tanzania many moons ago, so nearly every piece of this project has a Tanzania connection. The damascus pattern evokes carvings found on door frames along...
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    Shop Music Thread- what are you listening to today?

    I doubt I'm the only non-hispanic dude from Texas that likes mariachi music, and nobody does it better than Linda Ronstadt. I play her Canciones De Mi Padre album and the follow-up Mas Canciones pretty often in the shop. I generally default to older country or newer Red Dirt/Texas country for...
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    How long will I make rookie mistakes?

    You can save a little of that length by cutting a slot in the top of the slightly over final length pin so that you can index it with a flathead screwdriver. Assuming you're talking about mosaics.
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    How long will I make rookie mistakes?

    At some point after your first season, they just become mistakes rather than rookie mistakes. But everyone else is right--take it slow, batch the HT and focus on that while you're doing it, and use sharp belts. In Swahili they say,"haraka, haraka, haina baraka," which literally translates as...
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    Mesquite Chef

    Thanks! Should clarify that I've made 150 or so, just not in a long time. I started back in 2009. This is my just my second since early 2017 because of moving, new jobs, generalized distraction, etc.
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    Mesquite Chef

    So it's been a minute since I've made many knives. In fact, this is the second knife I've finished in 3 years (the first was last week!), but I'm trying to get back to it. I ground and polished the blade many moons ago, and completed everything else over the last few weeks. Anyway, enough about...
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    Anyone using Cru Forge V?

    CruV is great steel, but if you're planning to hand sand these blades, pick something else. It's REALLY wear resistant, and you will hurt before you're done.
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    Getting back in The Game

    Many of you who were around since the beginning of KD have probably wondered, at some point, whether I died. Or lost all my fingers. Or was imprisoned. Thankfully none of those things happened. I moved from the Houston area back home to the Austin area. I changed jobs twice. I remodeled a house...
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    Thinking of a new grinder..... but oh, the hurdles

    That all makes perfect sense. Same reason I'll buy another Canon camera instead of a Nikon--all my lenses are already Canon.
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    Thinking of a new grinder..... but oh, the hurdles

    Ed, don't overlook the Esteem. It's configured similarly to a Bader B3, but it's a bit more robust. Also, Brett Matthews is a good guy, and has taken good care of me when I have questions or random ideas. He's also seemed open to customizations, though I've not ever sprung for any. I'm super...
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    Made one for me

    What level of finish to you take it to before tumbling? I'm still trying to work out my process, and it isn't going especially well. I use the same media as you, presumably in the same/similar tumbler.
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    KD Awards Winners

    Wow guys (and girls)! This is exciting. Thanks for the votes--this really means a lot to me, even if I do think I won only because John Doyle didn't have one in the category ;). I'm honored to be a part of this great community.
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    Hello from East Texas

    Welcome! Fill out your profile with at least your location. There are a lot of knifemakers here in Texas, probably some near you. Also, check out the Texas Knifemakers' Guild. Currently it's just on Facebook, but will have a website up soon and just got approved for 501c(3) non-profit status...