5 inches of 1084 that nearly cut my finger off


Well-Known Member
HAHa, this is the one that's costing me a lot more money than I put into it...and it's going to fellow for a trade..oh well. Kids, don't polish by hand late at night while your tired and in a hurry.

I'm getting much better at my fit and finish these days and I must say that those gater belts are freakin sweet. So much easier to get a clean finish. Does anyone around here use them to sharpen the final edge?

1084 and g10
PCB etched and lightly stonewashed by hand
kydex sheath
and may i say, so sharp i didn't even feel it carve off a piece of my knuckle.

I don't know about the other guys but I usually don't sharpen until the very last thing. That way I don't feel as mentally deficient when I cut myself ( I mean that in a very kind and humorous way - I hope you take it that way. :1:

I sharpen last, but mainly because I hate sharpening and just put it off until the last minute!:biggrin:

Knife came out nice though, looks tough, I like it. And, as a bonus, includes a DNA sample. Wait, that might be a bad thing for you down the road, CSI?
this was the after sharpening buff. I put the final edge on my knives with a stone and after the honing oil and cleaning it up, i generally go ahead a put another light coat of wax on it. The though is to make sure it's clean and to keep the edge from rusting any while waiting on the customer to pick it up. I knew the guy was going to be out of town for a few weeks and down here in the Mississippi carbon steel, just sitting around for too long will start to tarnish. I might be rethinking that idea at this point though.

I've never been able to get a super sharp edge using the grinder. I use it to get a burr, starting with a worn out 150 or 220 belt and then a cork belt to polish it a bit. But a super good quality arkansas stone and then stroping is what really gets me a razor edge. I've thought about trying these new gator belts instead and see if they work better. I've got up to a 400 grit gator. Anyone else do it like that?
Sorry about the blood letting. I too sharpen last. I use a diamond Lanskey to put the final edge on.