A few for Vegas

steve shiffer

Active Member
These are a few that rode to Vegas with me...

Thanks for looking!!!
From a Recon Marine to a Recon Corpsman, well done, Doc. That's a fine looking collection of folders. Thank you for your service and your continuing service and welcome home. OOHRAH!
Hmmmmmm, I think the one with the flamed handle looks the best. Not sure why I would think that though. Any ideas Doc? :D

I had the chance to play with all of these prior to Doc heading to Vegas last week. All are examples of superb craftsmanship.
Denny, Thanks much brother!! S/F

Ahh come on Murph.......you can let 'em know you have joined the dark side. Your help was invaulable getting these done for Vegas.
Brother, you'd have to look far and wide to find better help!
Matt's is some of the nicest hamon I've ever seen, and you ain't too far behind.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks Ironwolf! been working damn hard on those. I've been lucky. I've had some good teachers, Mel Pardue, Lamey, Jim Burke, Neil Blackwood........
Steve, you've done right by those fellas I'll tell ya.
First rate teachers, and a first rate student;
keep 'forging ahead' and never be too happy with what you make,
and your name will be up there with theirs soon 'nuff.
And now he has a "devil's advocate" who keeps putting thoughts in his head. :16:
Hellgap, man I wish you had......I hate bringing stuff home :)

Murph......been sitting here checking demintions on that crap you came up with Sat. And its probably gona work......not sure if I like you at the moment or not!:52:
You're just frustrated because I thought of it first. :D

Come on Doc, make that thing pop!
lol,I have a hard time picturing you being nervous...
you seem like the type who might use a BAR for a toothpick
and 50 grit to wipe with. :lol: