A little validation :)


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is battling breast cancer (she has a great attitude, and I know she's gonna kick it's butt!) ... Anyway, they were doing a benefit for her and they asked me for a donation, so I said sure, I've got enough stuff to get one ready... So I start putting together this one :


Well my buddy sees it and just HAS to have it (he was in the Navy, it's got navy colors...) so he volunteers up the knife I made him a few months ago, but never finished. I'm like sure, less to do on it, will be easier to finish than the blue/yellow one. So he brings over his and we shine/buff/polish this thing for a bit :



It turned out pretty good :) (the blade is from Jantz, but the handle Kirinite is from Midwest ;) )

And the knife sold at the silent auction for $250!! I'm STOKED! :)

I know a good part of it was the worthy cause, but it still exciting :)

It's got me back in the shop and saving my pennies... Must buy a real grinder!! Lol
Just curious what color is that krinite ,I'm doing a set for groomsmen in a wedding and was going to go with black marble but I like the looks of that.