Another wedding ring

Gene Kimmi

At my family's Christmas, my niece asked if I could make her fiancé's wedding ring. How could I say no? They are getting married in January, so I thought I'd do a WIP as I made this one.

Here's the billet of damascus I'm cutting the ring from.

I used a cut off wheel on an angle grinder to cut a piece off.

Next, I square the edges on the grinder.

Then I use a sharpie to blacken one face and draw the inside and outside circle of the ring.

Into the mill and drill a 7/16" hole as that's the largest bit that will fit in the mini mill.

Next, I use a 3/8" carbide end mill to finish the inside circle of the ring.

After I get it as close as I can in the mill, I use a dremel type tool with a sanding drum to finish it. I was able to get it within .007" this way.

On to the grinder to complete the outside circle.

Here I have beveled the inside of the ring with the drum sander.

For the outside angles on the ring, I made a quick jig for the grinder. It's important to note that I run the grinder in reverse while doing this step.

Now the hand sanding.

From here, I'll etch in ferric, then instant coffee.
Which mini mill do you have? I used to run a “model shop” where we made prototypes for customers ... had access to all manner of stuff ... I miss the mill the most
Which mini mill do you have? I used to run a “model shop” where we made prototypes for customers ... had access to all manner of stuff ... I miss the mill the most
I have the Grizzly mini mill. I bought a larger mill a couple years ago, but still use the heck out of the mini mill.