Brass and copper meltdown


Well-Known Member
I work in an aluminum mill and was watching aluminum being alloyed. When the alloy was put in the furnace it didn't mix til it was stirred. I got to wondering if you could pu random cut off pieces of brass and copper in a small pot,melt them down,and let them cool without stirring if they would stay unmixed and make a mokume looking material. Just a thought.
Probably not. The brass and copper have different melting points. What you would end up with is brass melted in between oxidized copper, with no adhesion.
In my early attempts at mokume I got 2 stacks of brass and copper a little too hot and they both ended up looking like brass all the way thru.
I just thought it might be cool. What if you melted the copper first the dropped in the warm brass. Cold brass might make it go boom. I just like experimenting with different processes.
Probably won't go boom . I've added cold metal to a hot crucible tons of times. it wil bring the temp down and thicken up the melt. I think Deker is right about the alloy of copper and brass but it would be really cool if you could "stir" in a swirl.
A swirl would be awesome. I'm gonna try it next weekend and see what happens. I think if the timing is just right it will work. I let ya know what happens.