Chicago bound EDC


Well-Known Member
I finished this one for a customer who was vacationing here in my hometown and happened to hear about me and decided to give me a try.
Approx 7"OA, 5/32" S35-VN ss, with brass furnishings...croth cut walnut scales....a little leather for the thong. waa laa
Hope you like it.


Thanks guys. I really appreciate the kind words.

".....but where's your mark?"

I have stencils and a machine, but I havent finished the marker pad, or gotten any solution to do it with yet.
I also think I need to have my stencils made smaller. Didnt think anyone would notice.
Very nice looking knife and sheath!!! I really like what you have been posting lately, not that I haven't liked what you posted before the recent one's.:biggrin:

That knife is really sweet looking but that sheath takes the cake. I'd love to see some more pics of it!
That knife is really sweet looking but that sheath takes the cake. I'd love to see some more pics of it!

Unfortunately the knife and sheath are in the hands of the new owner. I took these pictures literally minutes before I gave it to him.
He was quite happy.

Thank you all for the kind words. All of your comments mean a lot to me.