Crazy Looking 1095

Robert Dark

Well-Known Member
Might call it a camper or some might call it a "Poor Man's Fighter". This was clay coated, BUT with an interrupted quench. As a result, you can see some of the clay goings-on, but the interrupted quench moved the hardening line right on down south.

Matters not to me, as the blade is as hard as a woodpecker's lips.

1095 Heavily Etched and Polished
Walnut Scales
Stainless Handle Bolts
Dressed in some of my leather
OAL - 11 1/4"
Blade Tip to Handle - 6 7/8"


I really like the pattern on the blade. Did you put any kind of etch on the blade? Robert, you the man!!!
I really like the pattern on the blade. Did you put any kind of etch on the blade? Robert, you the man!!!


The blade was etched in Ferric Chloride and sanded with 1000 and 1500 grit paper MANY times. Then it was etched and polished with MAAS polishing cream 4 or 5 more times.

MAAS is similar to Simichrome or Flitz polish. I get it locally at the ACE hardware store.

Really nice Robert. Unique, interesting and good edge you say (?), I've never checked a woodpecker's lips, but I'll take your word for it. Dozier
A special piece for sure. The temper pattern sure prings the knife front and center and is saying "this one is special". Frank
Really nice Robert. Unique, interesting and good edge you say (?), I've never checked a woodpecker's lips, but I'll take your word for it. Dozier


I had some woodpecker lips checked a few years ago and they were almost as hard as Chinese Arithmetic. :D

I don't think I'd call it anything less than beautiful !!! Nice elegant lines...looks like it would feel just right in "my hands".
I really like it--double the blade length and I'd love it!