Damascus help?


Well-Known Member
I just welded up my first billet of damascus, (that was fun) and have it drawn out to the size I want to use to do a stock removal knife, in random pattern (I hope there is a pattern). My question is, do I now put it the oven and anneal the billet before grinding and drilling? and what about refining the grain? I normalized it three times after forging. I have a evenheat oven so I can do the annealing process, but when do I do it? and what are the correct time and temps? It is 1095 and 15n20 steels. If someone can just give a run down on what to do next, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks in advance for all replys, Dale Whitesell
You can anneal it now but normalizing should be enough to get a drill bit trough it. I hardly ever anneal a blade once forged, only normalize and it always works for me.
After forge steps

Once forged, I normalize (3x) bring to critical and then into a can of vermiculite overnight. This cools very slowly and will anneal. Most blades are almost too hot to hold after an overnighter.

Then into vinegar overnight to remove flux and scale. If needed i'll sand blast to remove all scale and flux. This is done to leave a clean surface to begin grinding. The scale and flux can raise hell with your belts and files, and create hot spots.