Dave Cole Passed away.

We're constantly thinking about you Linda, thoughts and prayers.

Stacy says if you need to talk please dont hesitate to call, she is a very good listener.
Linda, please know my heart and prayers are going out for you and yours ! Please contact me if there is ANYTHING i can assist you with. My addy is acaptainn at the yaho place if you can't find my number.

Dave was my mentor and one of the most giving people i have ever known. I can't count the times i visited Dave and Linda for advise, opinion's or just to show what i was working on. I never left that house w/o hands full of *gifts* wood,steel,antler etc. and none of them were poor quality or substandard material. In fact anything i showed interest in somehow became a gift.

Dave, YOU WERE the BEST gift of all.

This world is poorer for losing him, but the next is so much RICHER.

I am shocked as i rarely have been online lately, or out in the world much,as a result *I have been in my own world and the challenges their* for sometime.
I am sure someone wanted me to visit here today.

I had a project i wanted to share but i am too emotional right now. I,ll post it at a later date.
