Don't Call it a Pocketknife? Ignorance and Prejudice on Display


Well-Known Member
A Bloomberg writer displays ignorance and prejudice in an outrageous article stating, "Don't Call it a Pocketknife" because "carrying a knife isn't just an anachronism; it's a terrible idea. So let's retire the term pocketknife, along with the practice it implies." His ridiculous alternative: "stay-at-home-knife."

Ostensibly a complimentary article on a few nice knives and their makers (and a referral to New York City high-end knife retailer Mastersmiths, in a blog named Loot Blog - Time and Money (Mostly) Well Spent), writer Stan Parish goes off the rails in the introduction. His bias against carrying a pocketknife is clear when he goes on to say that, "your stay-at-home knife should have at least one purely decorative touch, a non-functional note that says this blade's for unboxing well-packaged wine -- not standing your ground." Apparently he simply cannot comprehend that someone might carry an Every Day Carry pocketknife as anything other than a weapon. Millions of law-abiding Americans would disagree.

Ironically, considering he's writing for a New York City-based publication in a locale that persecutes knife owners, his advice to leave the knife at home isn't without some degree of merit as related to the two pocketknives he features. Both are one-hand opening lock-blade folding knives knives that the city might consider illegal gravity knives under its unconstitutionally vague application of the state gravity knife ban as applied against common folding knives. Of particular interest, since the city claims such knives are "per se" illegal, meaning they would be illegal even to possess in the home, he illustrates the hypocrisy of the city's persecution, as well as his own ignorance.

Read the entire article here:

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