Driving in Russia

It looks almost as bad as when I go with my wife to see the in-laws down in Mexico City!
Don't have a lane? Just make your own! :biggrin: Red lights and Stop/Alto signs? What are those for?

Then they decide to work on every single highway and road at the same time! So many reroutes and diversions that you really have no idea where the heck you are in relation to where you want to be?

We caravan-ed with two cars to the Aztec Temples, It was like being on Safari in Mad Max land to get there and back late that night.

When we finally made it back. My wife's 81 Y/O father was so over joyed that he kissed the ground in front of his house!

Beautiful place and worth it all to see these impressive monuments made by a stone age people. Its Miles across!

Teotihuacan, Mexico - Flying Kiwi


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I have a friend that just returned from a 2 1/2 year stint at our embassy in Moscow. He said when a Russian gets behind the wheel of a vehicle they don't just drive, they grow fangs, long pointed ears, and claws and hit the road. He said they aim, more than drive. He said after two taxi cab rides he used the subway for the rest of the time he was there, unless he was riding with another American.