Epoxy question

Fatstrat, when I mentioned warming the epoxy, I just put the containers in a bowl with hot tap water. I think heating it in water on the stove might get it so hot it might change the chemical composition or something like that so it reacts in a different way.
I was unaware of a previous "epoxy argument thread" on this forum. I don't know of or spoken to any epoxoligist or chemical engineers, I only know what works for me and the way I make knives. I'm not here to argue, just about every aspect of knifemaking could be argued...real Ivory vs white micarta, carbon steel vs stainless, brass vs nickel silver or stainless, flat grind vs hollow, Mexican leather vs U.S. leather, the debate could go on forever. debate is good, but as was mentioned it's not always just the product but how it's applied, like the boat epoxy mentioned. for example, you could use the best cutlery steel available but if it's not heat treated properly, it'll be worthless.