Good people of Knife Dogs, thanks for having me

Good day Knifemaker's, Enthusiasts and Collectors, my name is kittens and I hail from Ohio. After amassing hundreds of production knives I have little use for, due to being afflicted with the left handed sickness. I decided to pick up a few tools to make my own lefty knives instead of paying the big bucks for a custom, if only I could go back in time buying that custom knife would of saved me a ton of money and heartache. I'm not even sure it would be legal to sell one of my knives because I'd be paying myself less than minimum wage.
I made like 5 or 6 knives, it's hard to say because some are beyond my skill level and I will have to come back to them when I learn a bit more, and others have been thrown out of site never to be seen again. It's all in good fun and keeps me out of trouble for the most part. I will have to post some pics soon of my latest debacle, I mean build. :biggrin: ILK