Hello from MS



Hi everyone! I glad to have stumbled on to your forum.

A little about myself. I'm a cabinet installer. I spent 12 years in the MS Army National Guard. I got to call the great sandbox of Iraq home for awhile. It's not the best place I've visited. I love the great outdoors. Anytime I get a chance I get outside. It doesn't matter if I go fishing or hunting orjust a walk in the woods, I'm there. Heck I don't even mind yard work. I've been into knives and gun and gizmos for years. I have major intrest that rules over everything else. That is my baby girl Amberlynn. She is the light of my life.

I would like to think you for allowing me to take part in your forum.

Thanks all,
Welcome to the show. Youre in a hotbed of makers really,... Merlin the Maker, John Cohea,Bill Deshivs, Chad Nichols,and a host of others all within 1 hr or so from you.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I don't think I've ever been anywhere that had so many talented knife makers. I love seeing all of you
guy's work. You guys rock! Please keep the pics coming.

Again thanks for having me around you house.