Hello from San Antonio, Tx

Hello everybody. My name is Anthony and I got bit by the bug around 10 months ago. I've lurked around here for a while and figured it's time to introduce myself and say thanks to everybody who contributes to this forum. I especially appreciate the tone of this forum and want to say a special thanks for that.

I've made a few knives via the stock removal method and enjoyed it but I prefer forging them a little more. Three weeks ago my 7 year old son forged a knife with me for the first time. We forged a large chopper from a farrier's rasp and I think he may have been bitten too.

Hoping to contribute what little I can from my limited experiences along the way.
Welcome to the forum. It's nice to have you here with us. There are a bunch of great people here who are ready and willing to help out. Just climb on in and enjoy the ride.
Welcome to KD from Pa., can't wait to see some of your work, and your sons as well! Was down in San Antonio once to hunt whitetail in what my brother-in-law called the "hill country". Are you close to their?

Hello Wayne. Thanks for the welcome. The hill country is a pretty large area in central Texas and I'm about a 20 minute drive south of it's southern tip. It's beautiful country full of whitetail and Axis deer! I hear that mountain lions are making a comeback there with more sightings recently with some even being spotted in some of the northern San Antonio suburbs.