Help for knife handle


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I haven't been on here in a while, and I haven't been knife making in a while either cause I've been pretty busy this summer. But I'm going to try to finish up my knife and its sheath before school starts again on the 26th. So I have a week. I have my fasteners ordered, I have the epoxy, and I have the wood (which I still have to shape, shouldn't be a problem though). In any case, I was curious on how you guys would recommend drilling the holes in the wood to be exactly lined up with the holes in the steel? My first attempt was to use a pencil and make a dot on the wood where the hole was on the steel. Problem is it didn't exactly line up perfectly because I guess the size of the bit gave a lot of room for error. Plus I'm somewhat inexperienced. Any recommendations you guys have for how to properly execute this?
There a few ways to accomplish this.
I put the liners and the book cut scales under the knife handle and line it up how I want it and clamp it with a 1-2" throated C-clamp in the middle. Then I have a flat true piece of wood under the tang and wood and drill through on one side down into that bottom piece of wood. Then turn the handle around and drill through the other side through that bottom piece of wood. I then open the scales like a book faceing down and do any counter sinking I need for Loveless/Corby style bolts.

Does that help?
