Help with a noob dumb move


Well-Known Member
I did a noob boo-boo and wonder if there is any way to reverse the consequences…
I cut a piece of Elk antler to make a hidden tang handle from and was marking a centerline for drilling and used a ‘Sharpie’ permanent marker. Antler is porous (duh) and now I’m stuck with a black line down the handle material. I tried bleach and it didn’t touch the mark. I took it to work and put it in a vapor degreaser and nothing. I’ve sanding a bit ant the mark is still there and deep to the pith I think, I don’t want to sand all the ‘character’ out of the antler. Does anyone know of a way to remove something like that? Or, is there some sort of stain I could use to at least camouflage it?

your going after the ink so I'd start with something like Acetone to go after it. less is better than more. put a drop on a paper towel and dab at a small section. remember the antler is fibrous and will want to wick up anything you put on it..

I have done this too! I soaked it in denatured alcohol for a couple of days. It turned the area gray which was a lot better than black. I then colored it with Potassium Permanganate to get an acceptable effect.