I hate making sheaths!

Any suggestions? Incidentally, that sheath maker in question was Paul Long. I have used tree stump/Chris Kravitt off the shelf stuff for a number of years. I just build enough to fit the chef.
Paul Long sheath! You picked one of the most desirable sheath makers in the world to put your stuff in. There lol! If your doing kitchen stuff 99% of people your making knives for would have no clue what a true gem you just handed them.
That said if you keep it somewhat simple on the maker, and get a small handful at a time and or your a repeat customer I’m sure you can get something very nice and well made for under $100.
Not being rude at all but as another poster mentioned above “ they couldn’t charge enough to recover paying $100+”. If that’s the case I highly recommend looking for something that’s definitely not custom hand made leather! Quality leather, the materials would cost $30 give or take. Labor?? How long does it take you to make one? Then he probably needs to ship it to you, right?
FYI I’ve never had a knife come to me in a custom Paul Long Sheath, and past 20+ years least I’ve spent on a blade is a solid grand. Kramer Custom would be well suited for one of Pauls Sheath’s, last I checked they are 10’s of thousands of dollars. Think I have some of Bills (Burke) work in PL leather also, again not cheap and didn’t come with the knives.
Last suggestion maybe work out something in trade with the maker? Gets both of your work out there and into more hands? Just a thought.