Isle Royale


Well-Known Member
I sketched out this design back in March and profiled the first few in early April but then they got benched by other projects. I have always liked wharny style blades but had issues with just how delicate the tips got, given the complete lack of belly. I figured a slight curve at the end might increase the utility without losing the overall appeal of the blade style. My Nubilus handle and sizing seemed appropriate so that part isn't new.
The steel is 1084 from Aldo.
Handles are stabilized Oregon maple burl from Mark at Burlsource/Itsaburl
Pins are a standard commercial 1/8" mosaic, pretty but I have no idea who makes them.
Overall length is about 7.5" with 3.5" of blade, my favorite size for day to day use and as a companion to larger knives.

I'm finishing up the sheath for a subdued look version in black today and will add pics of that one to the thread later.



And now the black version. I fixed the smudges and white of the linen showing through a bit and reshot the first image but didn't bother with the second one.


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I like that term. :) It's not quite spear point, the lower curve doesn't actually come up very far, but it does kind of give it that effect. I don't have it handy at my desk to measure but I'd say it's probably a 25% rise, 75% drop. They're not absolutely identical profiles either, I only use the pattern for initial rough profiling then freehand it. Close, but not quite the same. You'd have to put them on top of each other to tell though.

Oh yeah. These are the first two completed knives from my Pheer grinder. Lol, so that top one is a first three times over. New design, first off the new machine, first with wood from Mark. Heck, we can add first that used Norax belts too, but that's taking it a bit far. :9:
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