Made My Second Knife


Well-Known Member
Second knife made. Old Nicholson file blade and recycled rimu floor board scales. It needs a little more clean up on the blade. I have learnt quite a few things when making this knife. Here's a bit of a list:
Things don't have to be glowing red to be bloody hot.
A knife that weighs around 100 grammes creates at least thirty kilos of metal and wood dust.
I need a dust extractor.
Taking that last little bit off will probably create work for a week.
Just because experienced knifemakers tell you about a problem and how to avoid it doesn't mean you won't make that mistake yourself. (several times!)
I need to make at least another 98 of these before I can call myself a knife maker.
"Leave a little meat in the edge before heat treating" should not mean taking a week to sharpen the bugger.
I need more tools.
I need to be able to use the tools I have properly.
I've already started the next one.
"I'll just be two minutes on this so I don't need a mask" is simply lying to yourself.
Black snot isn't funny.
Adapting tools is fun.
I think I'm addicted2015-04-23 07.37.18.jpg
Hard to see much from the pic. Good post I know exactly how ya feel and the addiction at least in my case just gets
Hard to see much from the pic. Good post I know exactly how ya feel and the addiction at least in my case just gets
Thanks Justin. I also need to improve my photography skills. To be honest though this knife probably doesn't deserve a better photo. I intend that the best knife I ever make will always be the next one. I have a pretty good idea of how I can improve on this one so now it's design, file, sand and sharpen. Probably with a bit of cussing thrown in for good measure. :what!: