Makers Mark

Fletch Helical

Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of getting my mark made and wanted a quick opinion from you guys. I'm debating getting "Custom Knives" put under my name on the mark and wanted to know if this is a good/bad idea or is it even worth having put on?
It seems a bit redundant/obvious to me, but that's just my .02.
Skip it. Sort of seems obvious. If you want to add anything I would add either location or date.

Just my opinion.

I agree that "custom knives" is kinda redundant. We know it's a knife and assume the maker didn't make just one. Having "Custom" on it, though, wouldn't necessarily be bad as it immediately identifies the knife as a hand-made original. Most folks would assume that it was simply a standard model from some company they hadn't heard about.

I'd keep the mark as clean as possible, maybe even doing a separate stamping on both sides of the ricasso so you don't end up with a billboard.
I was going to have Custom Knives put under my name also. When I was talking with Ernie Grospitch about getting stencils he advised against it and told me going with Maker would be better!!
Im close to ordering mine, I seriously do not see the point in it, I thought about adding the location but have decided just the name with the integrated logo will suffice... YMMV
My mark has name and city because I found out people will find it easier too track down the maker of a knife. I have had many great conversations with some who bought my knives and some who were looking to buy. And they found me because of the city in the mark.