March Give-A-Way drawing !

Minnesota Pick 3 for 4-2-2013 is 4-9-6

Too high for a winner again but I wonder the odds of consecutive numbers on consecutive days. Maybe we should all play 497 tomorrow.

Check back again tomorrow :)

My sincere apologies Fellas !

It threw me off because this is the first month we had less than 10 entries. I should have used the last # of the Pick 3 to select our winner on the first of the month.

The number was 4-9-5

As such our winner with the #5 wip is Benr.t for the Sasquach Bowie.

Congrats Ben :35:

Sorry again for the confusion Folks !

Thanks Josh! I love winning stuff that I didn't know I entered. This made my day!
Well, my computer went kapoot! I bought a new Apple Mini Mac at the Apple store last week and a new monitor last night for it. Now if I can figure it out I,ll getting back in the WIP business.