Mosaic wood inlay help


Dealer - Purveyor
I bought some mosaic inlay and would like some tips on how to form it around a round handle with out braking it. what can you soak it in before glueing it into place. Whats the best way to cut the groove out for it to fit into it best. And can you sand it or will it become ruined.
I have no vauable input but am interested in the answers also I have thooought about it but never tried it
Hey Kelly, I don't think you really want to soak it in anything, but if you need to bend it I think you need to warm it... I really don't know much about it but watched Phillip Patton did a guitar WIP on bladeforums (in the around the grinder forum, didn't see it there anymore though) and it would probably be worth shooting him a PM or an email. Good luck, I'm curious to see the responses you get and the potential pics that accompany your progress! ;)

EDIT - Here's a link to a google cached page showing how Phillip bent the sides for one of his guitars. By doing a google search of " guitar wip" you can find cached pages of the whole project - I don't know if it was moved to the archive or what...
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This sounds like it will be a challenge. Usually you would steam a piece of wood to bend it but mosaics are glued together, and wood glue does not like steam. If i am making anything mosaic that needs to be profiled I make my own and make sure it is thick enough to shape later. Sorry if this does not answer the question but its a start.:confused:
I will try to contact phillip in the next week. Ill bet its tricky stuff to do . Kellyw thanks ya all