new Logo

Okay guys, I'm thinking about just coming up with a name like I would any other business. One that isn't necessarily associated with my name. I guess traditionally knife makers have always used their name. The Hauser in Kentucky was using it first and I don't even want to cause any kind of friction.

Here's my latest idea:

Zayin Knives.

Pronounced ZAH-yin....which I'm gonna Americanize to ZAY-in.
"The letter Zayin is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and it appears in a number of other Semitic language’s alphabets. By way of the ancient Phoenician language, the letter Zayin eventually entered the Greek and Latin alphabets, becoming the letters Zeta and Z, respectively, although its place in the different alphabets changed. The original meaning of the letter Zayin is a "sword" or "sharp weapon", with the word "lezayen" coming to mean "to be armed" in the Modern Hebrew language."

I like the look, I like the sound, and I like the meaning. What do you all think?

I really love the name Hauser for knives. It just seems to fit. But I understand that it makes it hard to use if it's already a name for a brand of knives.

So, I like the new name and logo. It is not overly complicated to pronounce, and the story makes it even better. The name's background is something that you could include in a card or pamphlet that goes with every knife you sell, not to mention a page on a website.

This is just a thought: Do the three lines on each side make it look a little Southwestern? This wasn't my first impression of the logo, but after a bit the thought did pop into my head. I figured if you're trying to vet out different ideas, I'd put it out there and see what people thought. This is not a criticism... I still like the logo and think it would look great on a knife.

Here's the Native American sun on the New Mexico flag. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just thinking outloud.
Native American Sun.jpg
Well, I do like South Western but that wasn't my intent. Just like the similarities to the Mauser Logo or HK wasn't my It's amazing what your brain tucks away.....

Here's two new ones. My wife thought Zayin was a good one.

zayin 2.jpgzayin 3.jpg

Once again, I appreciate the input.....starting with Rhino's caution about trademark stuff. I know it is much easier to say, "Neato...I like it!" Than , "Hey be careful...." Thanks guys.
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I doubt they'll be Kosher. I'm not Jewish and don't know any Rabbis to check with on that. Interestingly I checked on the surname "Hauser" while doing this research on the Hebrew letter and surprise, surprise.....some of my oh-so-proud-of-their-German-heritage relatives might be interested to know that there are/were many Jewish Hausers. I'm not interested enough in genealogy enough to do any more research. But I do have some fresh ammo for the next family

I chose the Hebrew alphabet because I was hopeful that no-one had used it for knife names and I was getting tired of looking for a name that wasn't going to get me in hot water and I like the way some of the words sound. If Hebrew didn't work out I was going to try one of the African languages next as I like some of those sounds also.

Thanks for all your input guys. The think tank on this site is invaluable.
Many more than will admit it have/had relatives of Jewish stock and their were millions of jewish people in Germany before WWII in all levels of society. Some fled the country, others not so lucky.

read up on "The night of the broken glass" if interested.
I come from Romania/Russian Jewish stock and from my limited knowledge of the practices of Kosher, Its more that you only cut one food group with it rather than the knife itself being kosher. I was just joking.

Zayin has a historical ring to it! I like it.
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I like the Zayin as well, it's kinda unique and cool. I think at that point you could even use the Hauser below it, like where the USA is, or something to that effect in the less prominent position. That other Hauser looks to only be doing this for about a year in Kentucky. If you're not close to there, I'm not seeing a real problem with using the name per say. Especially if it's not written and perhaps includes something else. "Zayin by ___ Hauser" has a pretty good ring to it.
This is fascinating. I had no idea how complicated a mark could be until now. Interesting thread.
Bush...I didn't either. I know when I was working in product development the patent and trademark guys spent, what I thought at the time, ridiculous amounts of time and money dotting their "i"s and crossing their "T"s.....

I think having something unique is you should know. Your logo and name is very distinctive and serves you well. There may have been more wiggle room on some of my earlier stuff but I don't want to spend money finding out. So just finding something unique that I won't have to contest is fine.

Am I allowed to use "Oy vay" now that I might have jewish heritage?Lol....
Yes! You are allowed to say Oy Vay! People seem to forget that JC and all of the original pack were Jewish! LOL

It is funny how much culture you can uncover when you are just branding your knives.