Oh look a chisel!


Well-Known Member
Well I had some time in the shop today when other projects were either tempering or gluing up so I took a stab at making a chisel. I had some scrap brass, curly maple, and 1084 and went to it. I loved/disliked this one so much that I will be making several more tomorrow! I've never been very happy with my sockets so if anyone has any tips on getting a good clean socket I'd love to hear them! :) Thanks for looking.

There is a great video on John Neeman tools where they make a framing stick with a socket. I'm still learning but seems like a good approach.
Thank you for the kind words everyone...as I said I got the bug so I made three more today These ones are made from 1095 and curly maple. The runes read "carver" denoting the job they perform plus where they were made (my shop in Carver MN) the big straight chisel is about 13 inches long and 1.5 inches wide to give you an idea of scale. Needless to say I like these ones a bit better

Are these (or similar) ever going to be for sale? I was a woodcarver long before I was a knife maker, and since I don't currently forge (yet) and since I'm stuck in Canada away from all of my knife making tools for the next 9 months, I may take up carving again until I get back to Texas. Those are very nice, and would go well with my hand adzes made from files that I got from a blacksmith in the forests of Mt. Kilimanjaro (seriously!). These particular chisels are WAY too big for my purposes, but i like them anyway.