Oklahoma Gov. Inexplicably Vetos Knife Law Preemption Bill - CALL/EMAIL Today


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma's Knife Law Preemption bill, HB3367 has been inexplicably vetoed by Governor Mary Fallin, the first veto ever of a Knife Rights preemption bill. HB3367 passed by overwhelming majorities, 88-3 in the House and 45-1 in the Senate. Knife Rights is working with the bill sponsor and our contacts in Oklahoma to override the Governor's veto. Stay tuned because things on the ground are developing very quickly and unpredictably.

If you live, work or travel in Oklahoma, please CALL or EMAIL your Legislators TODAY to let them know that HB 3367 is important to you and ask that they please override the Governor's veto of HB 3367. If you email, USE THE SUBJECT: Please Override Gov Veto on HB3367!

Locate your Legislators here: http://www.oklegislature.gov/FindMyLegislature.aspx

Whether writing or calling, all that is necessary is to simply to let them know that HB 3367 is important to you and ask that they please override the Governor's veto of HB 3367. That's it, keep it short and to the point.

ALSO, please CALL or EMAIL the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate TODAY and ask them to please schedule an override vote for HB 3367 ASAP! If you email, USE THE SUBJECT: Please Override Gov Veto on HB3367!

House Speaker Rep. Jeffrey W. Hickman:
405-557-7339 / jwhickman@okhouse.gov

Senate President Brian Bingman:
405- 521-5528 / bingman@oksenate.gov

HB 3367 simply adds "knives" to the state's existing firearms preemption law, eliminating the patchwork of local knife laws more restrictive than state law.