Pins Darkening from finish


New Member
When using Tru-Oil, or any other kind of dark finish, how do you guys keeps the pins from discoloring?
Clean with a cotton swab after every application??
I use Tru-Oil a lot, and if it's applied correctly, there should be no build up of it on the pins.

As for other types of finishes, that is an issue you'll always have to deal with. Your idea of the cotton swab is one way, but frankly, for the most part I choose to use woods that do not require any finish. Sometimes, in order to avoid troublesome issues, you have to consider the types of woods you're willing to use as handles.
I agree with Ed. If your pins are darkening, chances are you are laying the TruOil on way too thick. That, or you may not be buffing it off sufficiently between coats. Either way- the first couple coats should be getting buffed off (0000 steel wool) completely. Those first several coats are about sealing the wood, not building up the finish. Only the last coats are not buffed off in order to provide the shine. And by that time, you are talking one drop of oil per side. It shouldn't be enough to darken the pins.

Having said that, I like to have TruOil sealing over the pins and it may darken them half a shade or so- but if you're using brass pins this is a good thing because that brass will darken over time as it oxidizes anyway. The seal over them will at least have them staying shiny rather than going dark as brass does when exposed to air and water.
I like to have TruOil sealing over the pins and it may darken them half a shade or so- but if you're using brass pins this is a good thing because that brass will darken over time as it oxidizes anyway. The seal over them will at least have them staying shiny rather than going dark as brass does when exposed to air and water.

Awesome input John!
Ed...enjoying the Vids. Tell Tim he's doing a good job.

My boys enjoy them too...even the non shop
Thanks Ted! I'm having a BALL doing this stuff. All the credit goes to Tim for his abilities in knowing just how to not only shoot the videos, but he's fantastic at the editing part. I'm just the monkey in front of the camera! :) I'll pass on your praise.....he'll be thrilled!