Randall experts needed


Guy on my local fishing forum has the opportunity to pick up a couple Randalls. I noticed a few things in the pics that made me a bit uneasy but I am by no means an expert on early Randalls. Do these look like the real deal or cheap copies?

Some additional info from his original post-
I have the chance to pick up 2 large knives from a family member of mine due to estate sale. These are 16 inches overall with 11.5 inch blades. I will post pics later as I am on phone now. One handle is iron wood with buffalo horn rings. And one is antler handle. They each have stamped in the blade "Randall made Orlando fl". One man looked at them who is the randall knife sales rep and he said they don't look like randall due to randall has five rings in handle and these have three rings, etc.

Any experts on old Randall knives out there ? I do not want to buy them unless I am sure they are Randall.


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Photos aren't that great and they are in a little rough condition, but they are real.
I suggested the guy take better photos and submit them on a Randall specific forum. Thanks for the response Murph, I'm sure he will be thrilled.
They look like bona fide Randalls...older models at least. I wouldn't base their authenticity on the number of spacers in the handle because their designs change over time. I concur with the other posts, he should take better pictures and send them directly to Randall. They should be able to help.
Those are some old brassback Smithsonian models. Those are worth a pretty penny. If he can get them for a good price he should. Collectors pay big bucks for those brassbacks.