Rise/fall indicator dimensions


Active Member
I have finally gotten a good enough working relationship with a local machinist that he has agreed to help me make a rise/fall indicator for around $40. However, I've only seen pictures, and never with any kind of dimensions. We could probably figure it out, but I'd really like to make this as easy on him as possible. I really need to make this to get my slipjoints spot on. If you've got one that you made or bought, could you post the dimensions? I'll try not to copy anything exactly, but I don't even have a starting point.
If you have pictures I might can help I am in the same line of buisness as he is
Seider, here you go!

I got this online. I don't remember from who, my apologies to whomever I stole it.

And of course, the awesome one Tracy sells:
yes sir that is what you need.. I know it buy a 0-1 dial indicator most have 1" of stroke on them. Some have 1/2" but either will work for what you want. Both of them are 0-1 they will work great for what you are doing. If you can round up a magbase from ebay. You can find them pretty cheap
guess it would help to explain the magbase. HA you can you the mag base on your drill press to make sure that your bits are running true and that way you dont have a drill over drilling a hole (check the runnout). You can use them for any kind of fine movement you need if you need to push something just alittle you know how much you need.
Is the "Rise/Fall Indicator" a recent development in making slip joints? I'll have to have a search and see if I can turn up a youtube vid or webpage on how it's used as I know nothing about them. (noob)

ps. what's a "magbase"?
No, they have been around for several years. A mag base is a magnetic base. It is a common tool , dial holding thing. You can simply remove the dial from the base and use it. Frank
I actually prefer to use the dial indicator with the mag base. It lets me adjust the positions once the spring tension has been adjusted after heat treatment when the knife is all together. This is what I do...

