Scheduled Maint time tonight 3am central - version upgrade next week?

BossDog & Owner
Staff member
The hosting company we use for is upgrading hardware. We moving over to fancy, new hardware. We should see a slight increase in speed around here....not that it is all that slow. I keep the server load fairly light. The move to new hardware requires the forum goes down for 15 minutes...which really means 45 minutes often. We have scheduled that for 3AM central time tonight.

The new 5.0 vBulletin upgrade has been released. I have contacted our knifedogs web support guy to schedule the upgrade. We may lose some custom styles in the process so we will fairly generic until we can put the place back together. I will keep you posted. Please prepare all of your complaints in advance so they are ready to mail in when we get a little messy for a few days as we put it back together. We are looking for a new mobile release and also Forum Runner support with the 5.0 upgrade. :cool:
no upgrade is with out pain.
We found out we had several thousand SPAM emails cue'd up but never sent clogging the system. A hacker had figured out how to dump in a bunch of SPAM on our outbound host but couldn't get it to send. The host guys are cleaning that mess up now and they closed a couple ports that might have let a script in. Pretty typical stuff in a public forum unfortunately, especially vbulletin since there are so many installs running.

When they clean out the junk, we may end up losing some emails, PM's or other things. We really have no idea. Cross your fingers.
Once that is done, they will do the hardware upgrade.

On the host guys advice, we are holding off on the vbulletin upgrade to version 5.0 from our current 4.2 until some issues are worked out they are seeing pop up.
I keep it pretty vanilla with just the upload button for my images when needed, but everything looks fine on my end here. PM's and other content intact. Thanks for the head's up, Tracy.