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  • I've registered to say thank you for your titanium damascus experiments. I've been looking for information for years and your tries and efforts are the most informative to me,I've learned a lot. Can you please tell me,will I achieve success if I arc/mig weld the canister with titanium sheets inside? I've seen you TIG-welding them,but,unfortunately,I have no TIG in my shop.
    I have mig welded some sheets in a can and forged them to a billet. you have to really minimize oxygen as any surface oxidation kills the weld. the next time I weld some in a can it will be with an argon gas flow through the billet to chase out oxygen. Basically a pipe welded to the can with a hole to allow argon flow.
    Thank you for the reply,sir
    Hey Thanks for approving my request to join this forum! All orf my Art shows have been getting cancelled because of Covid so I really appreciate this avenue to post. Can you direct me to the page on posting custom knives for sale. I wanna post several new ones on this site that I just finished, but I wanna make sure I don't abuse the privilege or piss anybody off.
    I have 114 Westinghouse rag micarta pulleys 3.5” diameter. .440 thick are you interested in a big order. I have 100 more to purchase. I have several makers wanting them. I can sell them for14.00 1-9 10.00 for 10 -20. And 8.50 for any over 20
    didn't realize we had sold out a couple weeks ago. I just ordered more. 3 to 4 weeks.
    Act professional sir, if you don't have some offended feelings about it. If you don't like my replies then don't use my content. That's being needy. Plus one negative/positive feedback a person can share about your site, I'm a Journalist/Filmmaker and I know how to promote or demote online businesses. Trust me. I'll do my best. Let's my post be removed and I leave with a positive experience about your management.
    I don't wanted to get to the point of political discussion but it got there. Please delete all of the post. Or instruct me to delete it when it's got closed. Thank you
    Hi Tracy, how are you doing with your forging press and blown forge? I'm just giving you a little reminder for motivation.

    I accidentally switched my profile to mobile and can not get it back. will you help me with this? thank you
    new member. very good site. i am interested in buying or trading for blade blanks. Stabber refered me to you. i am looking for simple knives, something like a nakiri or santoku, in O1 or A2 steel. i have sketches of what i am looking for. shaped, ground and heat treated, i can take care of shapening and polishing.
    i have made 3 knives the old fashioned way, file and emery cloth. the results are ok, but at 60 I am getting a little old for that sort of stuff. dont have the disposible income right now to get decent belt grinder or surface grinder.
    thanks for your time,
    Hello tracy , Have you given any thought to having a japanese blade forum page ..... Lots of interest . I dont believe too many sites have a forum dedicated to japanese blades . I am sure it would help with membership , as japanese weapons are very popular . Bubba
    Hey boss my name is Holland Bramlitt and i just purchased some roman sheilds and a template to cut them out from you. My question is are the templates heat treated or do u have to heat treat them your self. Only reason I ask is because I was playing with the template on a piece of scrap wood and I seen metal shavings coming off as I was milling.
    I am getting certainly sick and tired of getting bored to death, let's experience a lot of excitement! criminal profiling
    Hey Boss, I'm having a problem at my Profile area. Up in the right hand corner, the "Log Out" button, the "Notifications" button, and my "Username" button are all overlapping and because of it, I can't get to the Log out button to leave the site. Can you use your skills to separate them so all three can be used again? I've tried without success, and haven't got a clue what's caused was like this when I logged on today. Thanks.
    i'll see if I can find a qty price source for those. I've always liked that style of handle myself.

    I don't see a handle like this in your store.
    They are re-positionable and great to use on the NWG/KMG tooling arm.

    Even at 2 x or 3 x that price, I think they might sell to the people wanting to guild a grinder and wanting one stop shopping on your site.

    The one shown in a male thread, but females are available also.
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