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  • Thank you Scalphunter :D I thought i should do a black sheat, but now i dont know.

    A while back i ordered a rig from Cliff Fendley. I wanted a autentic early rig, and i think its realy nice. Love it :biggrin: . Here is some pics. What do you think, Scalphunter.



    The cat wanted to be on a pic to :)


    Thanks Scalphunter i am realy pleased with it. I will test the HBK to soon.

    Originally. What kind of handles was it on the HBK, wasnt it both the brasswash type and woodhandle with just pins to. Do you know.
    I will look at crazy crow. I will soon order some stuff from them again. They have mini orders when they ship to Europe. Thats why it didnt work last time.
    Okey i see. I thought it was made with looms. I will order a book and read. Do you know of any one that is good.
    Do you use some kind of handloom when you make your beadwork. I will try to make some beadwork on the HBK.
    Thank you Scalphunter!
    (I really need to check my messages more often...)
    Peace to you and your House Brother!
    Yes i make it a sticktang and not hidden. Maybe i will mill for the tang in the handlepiece. Do you know what wood it was in them.
    I draw this one. But maybe i should make a half hidden one instead.

    Yes:) i hope i can test it monday or tusday. I made this sheat to my woodsupplier over at Ramanon today.

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