Well-Known Member
Finally finished it. Throat and Chape/drag are all 20ga sterling silver. Leather is 6/7oz vege tan, blacked with vinegaroon, and sewn with 6 cord linen thread. This scabbard was fitted to the sword shown made by Kyle Willyard and Jared Secrest. The drag/chape is of two pieces joined by silver braze and glued in place. The throat has a one piece collar joined in back by a silver braze. The top cap was opened to the blade shape and joined on with a 600° cadmium solder. The locket/frog button is a five piece affair being a washer base, tube shaft, and 8ga silver button, silver brazed together and to the throat body. The thick walled tube shaft has a tight fitted brass rod inside with a 1/16" steel pin through the center and into the button and throat. Photos are not great. Too hard to balance light and shadow with the silver. Hope you enjoy a look.