Supplier somewhere west of the Mississippi

New Jersey Steel Baron has a good reputation and for my first purchase I just went with them. Ouch on the shipping to Arizona. Is there a supplier somewhere west of the Mississippi with a good reputation? Is there someone in Arizona that ships small quantities? I never have a reason to go down to phoenix or Tucson and going just for steel would get me the stink eye.
Try Trugrit .com Ontario Ca they heat treat also.I have never used them but I read Ed buys his belts there.I seen their ad in Knife mag.
You could also look up Kelly Couples. The last that I looked he had a link on High Temperature Tools and Refractory.

Boss Dog's outfit is west of the Mississippi if only by a few miles. another would be Jantz, they have $18 flat rate for shipping steel.
what kind of steel are you looking for? if you are looking for tool steel like O1 or A2 or ??, there are distributors most everywhere.