They want serrations...

I know the customer is always right, but now I have an order to put serrations on four of my blades and I have never done that. I have already tried to persuade against it and am not getting anywhere, so I am on to the next phase, making the serrations.

I was thinking to mark and then file on a squared piece of stock. Then I would do an initial grind after I have the depths and heights of the serrations lined up (easier said than done) I was wondering what people have done, I am going to practice on some scrap, but with child number four just born, not alot of spare time.

Any help is appreciated
Hi Carl,
It didn't really register until you left yesterday and I started thinking about it.
Grind your bevels first, being a trainer you'll have a fairly thick edge. If you have an angle vise on your mill, you can set your blade at the proper angle and walk it into a 1/8" or 3/16" cylinder cutter with the control and spacing that you need. I'm already set up with the vise and have some cutters If needed. Give me a call.

I sent a knife over to Ed Caffery and he put serrations on it for me. If you are interested, pm him.