This is a mirror polished frame with DLC coating. This took a long time to accomplish this effect with DLC to get the coating to work. We have spent 5 years doing R and D to understand the complicity of this coating and how to get it to work with different surfaces and to get the recipes to work for our requirements. DLC does not just stick to mirror surface there is a long journey to get to the place where you will get consistent results. All DLC is not made alike they can differ as much as your aunties cupcake recipe to the local store bakery. So if someone tells you something about DLC ask them how much time they have spent with a person who has a PHD in the field. This is what it takes and lots of research and development with lots of failures to finally turn a corner where the ah ha moment happens. These frames are the fruit of that long arduous path. These will be at the USN gathering in Vegas this weekend so come by our booth and come check these out.
The coating looks fantastic and obviously was worth the long journey to get there. Has anyone work with PVD coating. Some of the new processes have really a high degree of durability and abraison resistance.